By Emmanuel Nigel
Piemonte House
Date: Sunday, July 14th, 2024
One great gift for you,
Right from your conception,
The gift of your precious life,
Most precious and true,
It is the best gift,
For a kind human person like you,
For a kind friend,
And for a compassionate follower of Jesus Christ,
Hold joy and happiness this day,
Be joyful today,
Sunday, July 14th, 2024,
This day is amazing,
The world received an amazing human person,
On a day like this,
This day is amazing forever,
July 14th is wholly amazing.
This is your precious moment,
And a precious moment for us,
Because your life is so precious,
I know how amazing you are,
I'm proud to associate with you,
To share ideas for the good of others,
This day should make you stronger,
It should make you more bolder,
Make you more precious.
With the new year,
"Dear Concy Dianah, I Wish You the Best of Life and a Happy Birthday"
With all my heart,
I wish you the greatest life,
I wish God's love,
I wish you God's mercy,
I wish you serenity in your life,
Imploring the Author of Life,
Imploring the Lord God,
To make your life,
Be fabulous on earth!