By Emmanuel Nigel
Piemonte House
Date: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
Remember, Loving and Merciful Lord,
As the Church also remembers all the faithful departed,
In November, the month of the Holy Souls departed,
The month is specifically dedicated to all the souls who have left us,
The God of Spirits and all Flesh, all those who have died through Your mercy,
Those whom we have remembered and those whom we have not remembered our loved ones,
Men and women of the true faith, most significantly from righteous Abel unto today;
Loving and Merciful Lord God, give them peaceful rest.
"Loving and Merciful Lord God, Let the Souls of All Our Loved Ones Rejoice in You."
There in the land of the living,
There in Your Holy Place,
There in Your Holy Kingdom,
In Your Most Holy Kingdom,
In the delight of Paradise,
I supposedly imagine its delight,
In the bosom of our Great Fathers in faith: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Our Holy and Faithful Fathers, from whence pain, sorrow, and sighing have fled away,
Where the light of the eternal countenance visits them and always shines upon them, Let their souls see the eternal light of Heaven.