By Emmanuel Nigel
Piemonte House
Date: Thursday, November 2nd, 2023
On All Souls' Day, which is observed on November 2nd, the Catholic Church has dedicated it to our beloved dear Ones who have died and not yet reached Heaven. We commemorate and beseech the Lord God to be gracious to the souls of all our departed brothers and sisters. We remember all our dear Loved Ones.
Ever-Living God, let your mercies and wonders be shown to all our wonderful brothers and sisters who once lived with us and they died and they are not yet in Your everlasting glory, for You have saved those who hope in You and You can save all those who can hope in You. "Merciful God, Save all the Souls of Our Dear Departed Ones, Give them Eternal Life." May all our faithful departed, through Your mercy find sanctification and eternal repose of their souls in Your abode.
Many of them had been in Your presence. I am certain of it and this time some of them need our prayers to reach You I had prayed and I pray for the right thing: Holy Lord and God be merciful and help purify the souls of our brothers and sisters from the purgatory and give them eternity.
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