By Emmanuel Nigel
Piemonte House
Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
"Tomorrow Wednesday, March 5th, 2025: It's Ash Wednesday as we [Christians] are required to attend Holy Mass, receive the ashes, have no meat, and we are to observe fasting the whole day except for those on medical grounds are not advised to do fasting. Ash Wednesday will commence at the beginning of the Lenten Season, a time for Christians leading up to Easter Sunday [Sunday, April 20th, 2025 during which we prepare ourselves to remember Jesus' Resurrection. There will be no Celebration of the Holy Matrimony, no funeral rite, and we are to have a lowly Celebration of birthdays during the Lenten Season. We profoundly focus on penance, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Lenten Season is the time we remember the mercy and love of the Lord God that is given to us through His Son Jesus Christ on the Holy Cross, His death, His defeat of death, and His Glorious Resurrection that has brought us Eternal Life - Lent Season is the time to be more of a Christian."